Autoclave 2340M - Tuttnauer
Dry Heat Sterilizer
Rapid Heat RH-Pro9 High-Velocity Hot Air Sterilizer
Tuttnauer T-Classic 9 Electric Autoclave Sterilizer
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$5,992.73, save 20% $4,774.00
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$2,215.00, save 46% $1,198.95
Notification will be sent to your e-mail address every time the item price is decreased.
$7,900.00, save 19% $6,394.98
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$1,690.00, save 24% $1,279.98
Tuttnauer 2540M Autoclave
Valueklave 1730 Sterilizer - Tuttnauer
EZ 10P Automatic Autoclave - Tuttnauer
Prestige Cassette Sterilizer - 2100
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$7,094.55, save 35% $4,639.00
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$3,433.33, save 29% $2,450.00
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$8,440.00, save 35% $5,499.00
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SEMI AUTOMATIC Kwiklave Sterilizer - Tuttnauer 2540MK
Large Capacity Manual Autoclave/Sterilizer - Tuttnauer 3870M
Call 877-772-3888 to Order
Call 877-772-3888 to Order