SEMI AUTOMATIC Kwiklave Sterilizer - Tuttnauer 2540MK
The Tuttnauer 2540 Series is also available in a quick cycle model, the Kwiklave - MK (SEMI AUTOMATIC). This sterilizer offers all the proven, dependable features of our manual autoclave, with the added benefit of reducing the total heat up time. This autoclave is the perfect choice for quick instrument turn-around or a high volume office. Speed and reliability are accomplished without sacrificing load size. 1 year parts and labor warranty.
Model 2540MK requires a voltage between 220V and 235V for proper operation.
Tuttnauer 2540MK Kwiklave Sterilizer Features:
Automatic shut off at the end of both the sterilization and dry cycles.
A long life electro polished chamber and door.
Double safety locking device prevents door from opening while chamber is pressurized.
Drain valve is located on the front, allowing for quick and easy draining of water reservoir.
Dual safety thermostat to protect against overheating.
International certifications.
1 year parts warranty